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You're a Good Momma

Why are moms so hard on ourselves? I constantly hear myself question whether I am a good mother or not. Did I give my girls enough love today? Did I speak kindness into their hearts? Was I able to be a Christian example for them? Even worse then me questioning myself is the “what ifs”. What if I don’t crack down on my child’s misbehaving? What if I am being too strict on my kids? What if I lose my patience again today or tomorrow or every day till their 18?

To pile onto all of my emotional doubt I have a house full of work that is just piling higher and higher. Even as I write this, I have my 2-month-old leaned against my chest, my 4 and 5-year-old loudly playing in their rooms. The stack of dishes in the sink needs to be washed. There are clothes waiting to be washed. Heck, there are clothes that are still in the laundry basket that I haven’t put away from last week. I have 2 tabs and 3 documents open on my laptop. 1 is to write this blog, the other 2 are for my 1st and 2nd novels, War of Souls. And the internet tabs? Those are also open to try and publish my 1st novel. Between being a full-time mom, cleaning a house with 5 people in it, and working on my budding career my life is pretty full. That doesn’t include the fact that I’m trying to eat healthy and work out once a day.

So why do I push myself harder and stretch myself thinner knowing my plate is already full? Because it’s what moms do. We are just naturally hardwired to be the best we can be for our husbands and children. We will take everything onto our backs and carry it to the end of the earth if that means our loved ones can have it a little easier. I know that I am at least an okay mom. Yes, mistakes are made on a daily basis but who doesn’t mess up.

This blog isn’t really to inform you of anything but more for me to get a little bit of control back in my life and to remind all the moms out there that you are awesome! Yes, you might mess up and yell at your kids, and you might not get all the clothes picked up. If you’re like me, dinner might be late every night but it will get done and my family will eat. I know that my girls love me and they know I love them with everything I am. Hopefully, years down the road, they will look back and know that Mommy was only human and did the best she could with what she had.

So, don’t stress or try to be that perfect Pinterest mom. The most important thing you need to do every day is love your babies and teach them a little about the Lord. If that gets done, then nothing else matters.


P.S. words of encouragement are always excepted by this Momma

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